A critical Analysis of ChatGPT's Potential and Pitfallss for Business Use Cases

Mowalim Jr. Pangato Kalim, Nedim Zukic, Erol Terovic, Ali Abd Almisreb, Sherzod Turaev


This literature review explores the impact of ChatGPT on businesses. ChatGPT has been widely adopted in various companies to generate content. This review examines the existing research on the benefits and drawbacks of ChatGPT in business settings, including its effect on business management and operations. Through an analysis of articles and academic literature, we evaluate the impact of ChatGPT on businesses and provide insights into its potential applications. The findings suggest that ChatGPT can significantly improve sales and production processes. Additionally, the review highlights the need for further research to address the limitations and challenges associated with ChatGPT. Overall, this literature review provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of ChatGPT on businesses and highlights the opportunities and challenges associated with its adoption.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/scjournal.v12i1.253


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Copyright (c) 2023 Mowalim Jr. Pangato Kalim, NEDIM ZUKIC, EROL TEROVIC, Ali Abd Almisreb

ISSN 2233 -1859

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/scjournal

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