COVID-19 Data Warehouse: A Systematic Literature Review

Ahmed Khaled AbdelLatif, Ahmed Naji Abdullah, Ahmed Munther Abboud, Zahraa Abdulkareem Mohammed, Hisham Noori Hussain, Alaa Khalaf Hamoud


The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) affects the whole world and led clinicians to use the available knowledge to diagnose or predict the infection. Data Warehouse is one of the most crucial tools that may enhance decision-making (DW).In this paper, three main questions will be investigated according to using DW in the COVID-19 pandemic. The effect of using DW in the field of diagnosing and prediction will be investigated, besides, the most used architecture of DW will be explored. The sectors that faced a lot of researchers' attention such as diagnosing, predicting, and finding the correlations among features will be examined. The selected studies are explored where the papers that have been published between 2019-2022 in the digital libraries (ACM, IEEE, Springer, Science Direct, and Elsevier) in the field of DW that handle the COVID-19 are selected. During the research, many limitations have been detected, while some future works are presented. Enterprise DW is the most used architecture for COVID-19 DW while finding correlation among features and prediction are the sectors that had taken the researchers' attention


COVID-19 Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse, SARS-Cov-2, COVID-19 Data Mart, COVID-19 Infection.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Ahmed Khaled AbdelLatif, Ahmed Naji Abdullah, Ahmed Munther Abboud, Zahraa Abdulkareem Mohammed, Hisham Noori Hussain, Alaa Khalaf Hamoud

ISSN 2233 -1859

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/scjournal

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