Measuring Diversity Perceptions: A Qualitative Research

Merve Tarim


Having diversity inside the organization is getting more and more important. Because of the tough competition in the external world which is changing in dynamic way, companies need to find adaptation strategies. When a company’s diversity capacity increases, its potential for survival and adaptation also increases. To gain the advantages of diversity, the most important thing is to understand people’s diversity perceptions. Then it will be possible to make a decision, if that organization is suitable for diversity management or not. In this research the main aim is to understand the key words about diversity perceptions and how it differentiate. There were 25 participants and the data was collected by face to face. While analyzing the data, some key words were detected which is valid for the whole group and then also analyzed according to gender parameter.


Diversity, Diversity Management, Perception, Discrimination, Qualitative Research

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ISSN 2233 -1859

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/scjournal

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