Implementing a Students’ Survey System in Iraqi Universities: A Case Study in Basra University

Maysaa Abd Ulkareem Naser, Mohammed Imad Ahmed, Alaa Khalaf Hamoud


This research deals with total quality management as a method that has been described as the third revolution after the industrial and technological revolutions. The present case study was undertaken to implement a survey system to provide a predefined survey by the Iraqi universities to establish and test dimensions for measuring service quality in higher education. The main purpose of this work is to deploy students’ surveys related to academic subjects to evaluate students’ satisfaction with services provided by Higher Educational Institutions. Specifically, the study found a significant relationship between the five dimensions of service quality (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and students’ satisfaction). The findings generally indicate that the majority of students are satisfied with the proposed survey system. Such findings help universities make a better strategic plan to enhance students’ satisfaction in particular and its overall performance in general.


Service Quality; Student Satisfaction; Questionnaire; Assessment System.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Alaa Khalaf Hamoud, Maysaa Abd Ulkareem Naser, Mohammed Imad Ahmed

ISSN 2233 -1859

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/scjournal

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