Atom Connectivity and Connectivity Energy of few Molecules

Murthy kamal kumar, Shajidmon Kolamban, K Srinivasa Rao, Madhusudhana Rao, Arun Prasath GM, Salah Salim Rashid Khanayafar Al Hajr, Hour Juma Nasser Al Harbi


For a given chemical compound, a molecular graph could be constructed. The total of the absolute measures of Eigen values taken from adjacency matrix of the molecular graph for the assumed chemical compound is known as the energy of graph. It has been observed that, the adjacency matrix derived from the molecular graph has no information about the atoms and bonds connected. To overcome this limitation, we have considered the atom-connectivity and connectivity matrix which give more information about the classification of bonds and atom- connectivity of a chemical compound in the molecular graph. In this paper, we enhance our results on the atom connectivity energy graph and also few hydrocarbons are compared with the ordinary energy.


Adjacency matrix; Energy of Graph; Domination Energy; Atom connectivity; Molecular graph

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