Smart Water Quality Monitoring and Treatment Using IoT Technology

Mayra Sanchez Fulgar, Syed Rafeek Ahmed


The primary purpose of this study is to design and build a water quality monitoring and treatment system with the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) using Arduino Mega as a core controller, an esp8266 wifi module to connect to the internet, and smartphones to control and monitor the system. The system utilized a water level sensor to monitor the water level in the tank to avoid possible overflow, and to monitor the essential parameters of water quality such as PH, turbidity, total dissolved solids, and chlorine content, and to perform chlorination as a treatment process to maintain chlorine residuals in water. The Blynk App framework was used to integrate the system into the Internet of Things. In addition, a liquid crystal display (LCD) is employed to view the parameters of water quality, if the internet is not available.
These sensors wirelessly send the data they continuously collect on water quality indicators to a centralized server for processing. The server responds to requests for smartphones that the Blynk Apps has installed. The automated control mechanisms are put into place at the water treatment control stage based on the data analysis. Additionally, the smart water monitoring and treatment system has user interfaces that can be accessed via web and mobile applications. These interfaces give stakeholders remote access to real-time information about the quality of the water as well as personalized alarms. Such accessibility improves the ability to make decisions and enables quick responses to crucial water quality occurrences. From the results and findings of the research, the IoT-based Water Quality Monitoring and Treatment System is efficient and effective in detecting water quality and provides treatment using automatic chlorination


solids, chlorine content, Arduino Mega, IoT

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Copyright (c) 2024 Mayra Sanchez Fulgar, Mr. Syed Rafeek Ahmed

ISSN 2233 -1859

Digital Object Identifier DOI: 10.21533/scjournal

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